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Latipov Aziz Akbaraliyevich , English language teacher of Samarkand State Institute of foreign languages


The article presents the presence of special phase verbs as well as verbs that embody the semantics of phase provide evidence that the phase is a distinct stage in the progression of the process. This is supported by the fact that special phase verbs are used. During the process, there are often three stages that are distinguished: the initial phase, the continuation phase, and the end phase. Changes in the meanings of these phases are due to the syntactic environment of the phase and relevant verbs. The core of aspectuality is intimately connected to the concept of phase.


phase, phase lexemes, phase characteristics, phasic verbs, sema, phase values, actant, phase values


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MEANINGS OF PHASES WITHIN THE STRUCTURE OF THE SEMANTICS. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(6), 1505-1509.