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P.G.Hikmatov , Teachers of the Bukhara Institute Of Nature Resource Management NRU “TIIAME”
J.U.Ruzikulov , Teachers of the Bukhara Institute Of Nature Resource Management NRU “TIIAME”
O.S.Sayidov , Bukhara Institute Of Nature Resource Management NRU “TIIAME” Master's student of the second cycle
Ruziqulova Dilnoza Uktamovna , Student of “TIIAME" NRU “Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management


The road construction work is carried out in phases based on the project. Design is an integral part of road construction and reconstruction. In order to save material costs for road construction, it is necessary to qualitatively justify cost-effectiveness in the design process. Modern road design represents a compromise between a number of controversial requirements, that is, minimum construction work, the highest efficiency and safety in road transport, the use of inexpensive land and the protection of the environment. These requirements can be met by sensible solutions with maximum design options. The scientific and technical level of design must be improved.



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Sh.J.Imomov, J.U.Ruzikulov, S.S.Kurbanbayev, H.S.Safarov, K.S.Sobirov, and Z.Sh.Isakov “Technological process of provisional dig a ditch”, Proc. SPIE 12296, International Conference on Remote Sensing of the Earth: Geoinformatics, Cartography, Ecology, and Agriculture (RSE 2022), 122960O (6 July 2022);

Sh. J. Imomov, J. U. Ruzikulov, S. S. Kurbanbayev, H. S. Safarov, K. S. Sobirov, and Z. Sh. Isakov "Technological process of provisional dig a ditch", Proc. SPIE 12296, International Conference on Remote Sensing of the Earth: Geoinformatics, Cartography, Ecology, and Agriculture (RSE 2022), 122960O (6 July 2022);

Energy-saving device for temporary ditch digging I S Hasanov1, J U Ruzikulov1, F A Ergashov1, M J Toshmurodova1 and M R Sotlikova1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 868, International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Green Infrastructure Solutions (AEGIS 2021) 12th-14th May 2021, Tashkent, UzbekistanCitation I S Hasanov et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 868 012091DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/868/1/012091

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Ruziqulov Jasur Uktam ugli, Isakov Zafarjon Shuxrat ugli, Qurbonboyev Sindorbek Sarvarbek ugli, Ruziqulova Dilnoza Uktamovna, Xusinov Sarvarbek Nodirbek ugli. (2022). INCREASING THE WORKING PRODUCTIVITY OF THE CASE 1150 L BULLDOZER BY IMPROVING THE WORKING EQUIPMENT. Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal, 4, 87–90. Retrieved from .

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Ruziqulov , J. ., Kurbonboyev, S. ., Xusinov, S., & Ruziqulova , D. . (2023). IMPROVEMENT OF THE SCRAPER WORK EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVING ITS EFFICIENCY. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research,3(1 Part 4), 12–16. извлечено от

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IMPROVED MACHINE FOR SPREADING AND COMPACTING ROAD CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(6), 772-774.