Asliddin Saidov , Head Of The Scientific Department Of The International School Of Finance Technology And ScienceAbstract
Humanity is so wounded that it lives and struggles in the midst of various conflicts. The existence of conflicts, on the one hand, encourages humanity to fight, to improve its life, society, and state activities, and on the other hand, it also leads to the activation of various destructive and destructive forces. The parties' lack of understanding of each other, failure to come to any compromise, moves these forces. Conflict is a complex, multifaceted and multi-level socio-psychological condition. Conflict means, first of all, a struggle for values and a certain status, power, reserves, material and moral damage by opponents, and destruction of the opponent. Individuals, social groups, national-ethnic communities, states, a group of countries, united by one or another topic, interest and interests, participate in conflicts. This science also studies the internal conflicts of a person.
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