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Khabibov F.Yu. , Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute
Niyazov Kh.Kh. , Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the National Research University of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
Ismatova A.A. , Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the National Research University of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers


Juices are produced from almost all types of fruits and berries, both cultivated and wild. The largest share in world juice production belongs to apple juice, grape juice is in second place. In recent years, the production of juices from subtropical fruits - citrus fruits and pomegranates - has been developed. The technology and technique of production of each of these juices has its own characteristics.



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CURRENT STATE OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE JUICE PRODUCTION. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(6), 210-214.