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Alihonova Mukaddamhon Umarxonovna , Teacher of Namangan State University
Mamatova Dilrabo Mahmudjanovna , Teacher of Namangan State University


Gender Studies is the strand of scholarship which best expresses the need and demand for a change in social relationships. in order to clarify and to make broad investigation this article aimed to Gender Studies which is concerned with issues such as the definition of femininity and masculinity as two socio-cultural constructs, their relationships with sexuality, the analysis of the ideas built upon the differences between men and women, and the roles that men and women play and are expected to play in society.


Gender studies, femininity and masculinity, cultural constructs, translation shift, cultural adaptation and (self-) censorship.


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Nosirbekova A.Z. "Gender studies translation" 2022

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GENDER STUDIES IN TRANSLATION. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(5), 67-69.