F.R.Abdullayev , Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute Shakhrisabz branch. A.H.Temirov , Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Bukhara, UzbekistanAbstract
Dry dispersible substances are used as raw materials in almost all branches of production. Mainly in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, construction and other industries. Therefore, there is always a need for facilities that process this product. One of the most important of these devices is the mixer. First of all, it is an important task to create efficient and energy-efficient mixers suitable for the product type and production process. Mixers are based on the process of mixing, in which the products of different phases are mixed to obtain a homogeneous phase mass. Also, heat is released during the mixing process and cooling is required. In the mixing device we designed, we used a horizontal mixer to mix the dry dispersible substances and also installed a cooling shell in the mixing zone. Based on laboratory experience, we considered the process of wet mixing of dry substances. In the process of mixing, we used mixers with different shapes of the mixing part, and the dependence of the degree of mixing on the design of the mixers was studied.
O.R. Abdurakhmanov, F.R. Abdullaev, B.J. O’rinov "Main parameters of the mixer device" International Scientific Journal No. 4 (100), part 2 "Scientific Impulse" November, 2022
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