Egamov Nodirbek Murodilloyevich , Senior Lecturer, Department of General Engineering Sciences, Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, National Research University "TIIAME", Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan.Abstract
The size of the curl softening zone by one piece of the roller, calculations showed that the size of the curl softening zone by one piece of the roller is 10-11 cm. It was determined that with the number of rods installed on the reel, the width of the reel coverage should be 50 cm. When fulfilling the condition, it was determined that the winding should be completely unraveled in the direction of movement, and the number of rods installed on the winding should be 10-12 pieces. The width of the roller coating should be 50 cm, which guarantees the absence of damage to the fibers.
cotton, bobbin, skein, skein softening, skein softening zone, tape width, seed, row.
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