Murotmusaev Komilzhon Buribaevich , Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Department of “Pedagogy of Continuing Education” Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Kuylieva Orzigul Razhabboevna , Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, department of “Pedagogy of Continuing Education”, teacher of the department, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the role of the game in the development of emotional intelligence of junior schoolchildren. It is revealed that the introduction of the game into the learning process will contribute not only to the increase of students' interest, but also to the increase of their emotionality, as well as the ability to control emotions. The game acts as the main, most frequently realised type of activity of a child, including junior school age, and, in view of this, effective application of the game within the framework of development of emotional intelligence of junior schoolchildren requires careful research and correct selection of methodological tools in order to control the degree of development of emotional intelligence. The development of emotional intelligence, in its turn, will be a guarantee of optimal development of personality as a whole.
game, intelligence learning, emotions, emotional intelligence
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