Mirzaev Komiljon G‘ulomovich , Acting professor of the State Institute of Art and Culture of UzbekistanAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of the place of the well-known musicologist and creator Abduhoshim Ismailov in the development of Uzbek musical performance art. It describes the creative approaches of Abduhoshim Ismailov in the performance of the national instrument, his pedagogical activities and his contribution to the national music culture. Also, the article examines the importance of his works on the modernization of musical instruments and his creative heritage in promoting the national music art at the international level. The study shows the relevance of highlighting the unique creative style of Abduhoshim Ismailov in the performance of the national instrument and promoting it to the young generation.
Abduhoshim Ismailov, Uzbek musical performance, national music culture, musical instrument modernization, music pedagogy, creative heritage, international acquaintance.
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