Abdullaev Abdumukhtor Ganievich , Associate Professor at the non-state higher educational institution “University of Economics and Pedagogy” (Andijan). Mamurov Egamnazar Narbaevich , Associate Professor of the Department of “Higher and Applied Mathematics” at the Tashkent University of Economics.Abstract
The article first proves a limit theorem for a sequence of random variables called “U-statistics,” introduced by V. Hefdling. The proven limit theorem generalizes the result of V. Hefdling's theorem to the case where the number of samples is a random variable. In the theorem, it is not required that the observation results of the sample size are independent of the where ( ); however, as there must exist a sequence of numbers - with ( ) and a positive random variable such that, is required.
Generalized statistics, sample size, normal distribution, independence, random variable, U-statistics, sequence of positive integer-valued random variables, distribution function, symmetry with respect to arguments.
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