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Maxkamova Shaxlo Xasanovna , Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and Literature named after Alisher Nava`I Uzbekistan,Tashkent,


The relevance of English language proficiency has arisen over the past decade, as it expands the possibilities of distance learning and employment in foreign universities and companies. Just staying in a language environment does not give the proper level of English proficiency; therefore it is necessary to look f or effective strategies to bring it to the C1- C2 level. In the course of this work, the best strategies described in research studies were examined, and then the strategies used by teachers in schools with the study of English as a second language were examined. The results are summarized and structured. The greatest emphasis was placed on strategies to promote fluency in speaking. The best results were shownby the strategies using a pair and group method of working with students.Also, the progress of students is accelerated by methods that help psychologically level the difference in language level within the class. Using the strategies described in this article, teachers can dramatically improve their students’ English level and overcome the psychological blocks associated with learning. The work served as the foundation f or further developing and applying our own methodology f or learning English using virtual reality technologies.


English, teaching, methodology


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MODERN METHODS OF LEARNING ENGLISH: ANALYSIS OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES TEACHING. (2023). International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(11), 444-454.