Mamatkulov Zukhriddin Urmonovich , Rizaev Kamal Saidakbarovich ,Abstract
In this article, the "Dissolution" test, which is one of the most important indicators in the production process of "STIGMACOLE" capsules, was developed. To do this, the "in vitro" method was used in laboratory conditions. In the development of the solubility test of "STIGMACHOLE" capsules based on scientific results, using the method presented in the first edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the "Rotating " device was used. The rate of release of active biologically active substances (BFM) contained in the capsule and the pH index of the environment were analyzed using the " rotating equipment " device. During the study, purified water (pH=5.8), 0.1 molar hydrochloric acid (pH=1.3), 0.1 molar solution of sodium bicarbonate (pH=8), 0.01 molar sodium tetraborate (pH=9, 2) was performed using such solutions. As a result of the research, the "in vitro" method developed a suitable "Dissolution" test for "STIGMACHOLE" capsules.
State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. -2021. Volume 1, Part 1-2.
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